Asterisk/FreePBX – How to restrict an extension to call certain extension only

There may come a time that you want a public access phone that can only dial out a certain set of extensions. To accomplish this, a custom context needs to be created and applied to that extension.

Here’s the scenario.
Extension 312 is the public access phone. This should only be able to dial x530 & x555. All other calls needs to be terminated.

Define the context in extensions_additional.conf

exten => 530,1,goto(from-internal,${EXTEN},1)
exten => 555,1,goto(from-internal,${EXTEN},1)
exten => _.,1,hangup()

If FreePBX, go inside the extension and the context from from-internal->from-intercom. Apply the settings and you’re good to go.


5 responses to “Asterisk/FreePBX – How to restrict an extension to call certain extension only”

  1. Kevin Avatar

    I think you’ll find that you can still transfer to other extensions not listed in the context with FreePBX, so this can’t be considered a complete solution.

    1. asanka Avatar

      Hi Kevin,

      Thanks for the response. I didn’t think of transfer situation. This was created for a scenario where there’s a public access phone to dial one or two locations. We could disable transfer options from the handset itself. I’ll have to check if asterisk’s transfer feature codes would still work as well.

      I’ll update this with my findings.

  2. Johann Avatar

    Above advise doesn’t work extensions_additional.conf doesn’t save after you apply the setting on GUI

    1. Amit Iyer Avatar
      Amit Iyer

      It Will work you have to change add the dialplan to extensions_override_freepbx.conf.

  3. nagesh saranga Avatar
    nagesh saranga

    how to restrict calling from context to context internal extensions

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